Contribute to a re-imagining of our current world systems with wisdom from the past, present and future.
Our Community-Generated Fund is an invitation to partner with us with funds or other resources and become a vital member of the Soul Seed Family to enable a deeper form of change. Within our economic eco-system, we support local Indigenous elder-led initiatives, while also sharing their messages and stories to inspire the world.
By joining our Community-Generated Fund, you receive:
A Welcome Package and overview of this community fund
Special invitations to events, courses and travel experiences
Membership of an annual Community-Generated Fund Council
Our Soul Seed Resource Ecosystem Map
Ongoing updates on our work together
By funding this work, you are supporting a small but passionate and dedicated team, that has largely been volunteering our time for the last 6 years, because we know how much this work matters, and how much it gives back in return.
We’ve stayed afloat with every guest that has attended our events, those of you who have joined our courses or subscribed to our research library, and individual donors who have believed in us and this work.
Our Founding Mothers and Guardians Council is for all those who are able to support us substantially and/or ongoing.
We also welcome partnerships and sponsorships that align with our values.
To learn more, support, partner or sponsor us, get in touch.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your engagement and support.
Make a donation to directly support our work.
Thank you for supporting this vital research, storytelling & local iniatives!
Learn about the ways you can contribute to our work — through the communities we partner with and the projects and products we have thoughtfully designed over years of research, exploration and knowledge mapping.
Stribrawpa film
We began working with the Stibrawpa in August 2021.
We were immediately moved by their story of reclamation of cultural identity through language, land-based living, and spirituality. Alongside, a reclamation of their health, wealth, and a thriving community - led by women.
The women of Stibrawpa stand as a powerful example for all other communities around the world seeking to strengthen, protect and remember who they truly are — while learning how to live in balance with the earth.
We began filming in October 2022.
STIBRAWPA (working title) takes you inside the remote indigenous Bri Bri community of Stibrawpa in Yorkin, Talamanca, Costa Rica where a group of remarkable female leaders are reclaiming their identity nearly lost. The film follows Bernanda and the other women of her community in the lush Caribbean jungle as they provide an example to the world of successful matriarchal leadership; reclaiming their identity as caretakers of the land, securing their wealth for future generations, and delivering a powerful example of how to live in balance with the land and with each other. STIBRAWPA is a story of resiliency, resistance and peace.
With your support we will be able to finish filming and editing this inspiring film.
Stibrawpa school Project
Through our work with the inspiring female leaders of the Stibrawpa Bri Bri community in Costa Rica, we have learned of the importance of building a school program that will enable the sharing and the strengthening of the Bri Bri language, culture and spirituality for future generations.
Like many indigenous cultures globally, the Bri Bri language and knowledge system is at risk of being diluted or lost entirely in a few short decades.
With your support we can equip this community with the resources they need to construct a school in the town of Yorkin, thereby ensuring the protection of their culture and way of life.
We hope this can serve as a model and example of hope for the world.
The Soul Seed Land + Cultural House will act as a cultural bridge gathering space. The Soul Seed Eco Retreat will facilitate co-creative, ceremonial and cultural exchange.
Situated on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica on 5000m of lush riverfront land, the Soul Seed Land + Cultural House will combine an integrated community food garden, exhibition space and a library. We will support and honor the representation of the Bri Bri, Cabécar and first Afro-Caribbean settlers to provide context, history and on-going connection to the people of this land.
In partnership with Stribrawpa, an all female led Bri Bri organization, and the Rich Coast Project, we will undertake the recording of the oral histories of the Afro Caribbean elders here.
We hope this can be an incredible example for communities all around the world of how to build cultural bridges, and reject gentrification that excludes original inhabitants of an area.
The Soul Seed Eco Retreat will be housed on 3 hectares (7.4 acres) of hill-top, ocean-view protected land in which only 5% of the land will be built on with 95% to be held as protected virgin jungle rainforest. It will act as an anchor to our work and a lighthouse for those looking to remember who they are.
After three successful gatherings in Guatemala with the Tzutuchil and K’iche Women, Colombia with the Kogi and Wayuu, and Costa Rica with elders from Shipibo, Bri Bri, Cabécar, Hopi, Mohawk and Mi’kmaw lineages, we received the message that it is time to find a permanent home for these experiences.
We will also host students studying abroad, researchers, artists and visitors in residencies. The space will act as a ‘think tank’ for ancient future technologies, to envision, create and step into the more beautiful world we know in our hearts to be possible.
Our guidance for community building and cultural reclamation comes from Stibrawpa- a successful living example of reclamation and the best example we’ve found of a thriving harmonious community.
Our aim is to build the most comprehensive library of deep feminine and earth-based cultural knowledge online. We call this space the Soul Seed House, the first iteration of which was built in 2018/19 and is currently under renovation while we re-envision a space that goes even further in embracing an ethical, decentralized, decolonial, shared ownership model.
We have realized the need for balance between the online and offline, so the library will also become a physical space, and time capsule for our Ancient Future vision.
Currently there isn’t one sole reputable source for the wealth of wisdom and teachings that exist in our world today, many of which are at risk of being diluted over time. This decentralized library will house contributions by female leaders, wisdom keepers, ancestors and Indigenous communities and will operate a shared ownership model. In this way we all become sacred knowledge keepers and protectors.
What is woven into this space is the correct protocols for wisdom sharing, receiving and then experiencing as shared by our elder’s guidance. We are all re-learning the ways to walk rightly and become active participants in remembering.
We began building the first iteration of the Soul Seed House library in 2019 and are incredibly proud of what we have built.
We are re-envisioning SOUL SEED HOUSE 2.0 and we are inviting funding and collaboration at this stage of the development. Get in touch to find out how you can contribute.
Get in touch to begin a deeper journey with us as a Founding Mother or Guardian in our Community-Generated Fund.
You can use the contact form below to:
Fund an entire project or program
Partner with us or sponsor an initiative
Book us for a talk, event or podcast
Offer a submission or idea to co-create
Soul Seed Gathering is a non-profit organization registered in the US. We hold 501c3 status with our fiscal sponsor Empowerment Works, for tax-deductible donations.